VL Group

Rhymba v3.6 Documentation


The following properties are available for $select and other operations when querying the Medias collection.

Field Name Type Description Example
album_artist_id Int32 The unique id of the album's artist (on compilation albums this may be different than the artist of the media). 75397
album_genre_id Int32 75397
album_genre_name String "Rock"
album_id Int32 The unique id of the album the media belongs to. 45678
album_is_explicit Int32 Whether the album is explicit (defined by an album having at least one explicit track). true
album_label_id Int32 Unique id of the album's label. 14237
album_label_name String Name of the album's label. "ROC-A-FELLA"
album_name String Name of the media's album. "Blueprint 2.1"
album_number_of_tracks Int32 Number of tracks on the album. 12
album_provider_id Int32 The unique id of the provider that distributed the album the media belongs to. 9
album_provider_name String The name of the provider that distributed the album the media belongs to. "Sony"
album_provider_spec_id String Provider-specific id for the media's album. "00044007729625"
album_release_date DateTimeOffset Date the album was released. 2013-10-18T13:14:27.474
album_status_id Int32 Status id of the media's album. Common album statuses:
7 - Active
18 - AlbumOnly
21 - PartialAlbumOnly
album_street_date DateTimeOffset Date the album became available for sale. 2013-10-18T13:14:27.474
album_upc String UPC of the media's album. "00044007729625"
album_volume_number Int32 Volume number of the album. 1
artist_date_added DateTimeOffset The date the artist was first added. 2013-10-18T13:14:27.474
artist_date_updated DateTimeOffset The last date the artist received a metadata update by the provider. 2013-10-18T13:14:27.474
artist_id Int32 Unique id of the media's artist. 75397
artist_name String Name of the media's artist. "Jay-Z"
bitrate Int32 The bitrate the media was delivered in. 256
date_added DateTimeOffset The date the media was added. 2013-10-18T13:14:27.474
date_updated DateTimeOffset The last date the content or metadata for the media was updated. 2013-10-18T13:14:27.474
genre_id Int32 75397
genre_name String "Rock"
geos Geo[] The collection of Geo objects for the tracks on this album. Must be expanded.
"geos": [
        "id": "511176aa48ec44d499273e63ace0b191",
        "country_id": 43,
        "country_name": "Canada",
        "country_code": "CA",
        "currency": "CAD",
        "statusid": 7,
        "domainsum": 16,
        "pricecodeid": 6345,
        "streetdate": "2007-05-01T00:00:00",
        "releasedate": "2007-05-01T00:00:00",
        "pricecode": "TuneCoreAlbum",
        "price": "7.7000",
        "maxretailprice": "10.9900",
        "surcharge": "1.0000",
        "currencycode": "CAD"
        "id": "0e274462c0b840d3a30f23b715cc0848",
        "country_id": 254,
        "country_name": "United States",
        "country_code": "US",
        "currency": "USD",
        "statusid": 7,
        "domainsum": 16,
        "pricecodeid": 1313,
        "streetdate": "2007-05-01T00:00:00",
        "releasedate": "2007-05-01T00:00:00",
        "pricecode": "TuneCoreAlbum",
        "price": "7.7000",
        "maxretailprice": "10.9900",
        "surcharge": "1.0000",
        "currencycode": "USD"
id Int32 The unique id of the media. 12345
is_explicit Boolean A flag representing if the media should be treated as having explicit content. true or false
isrc String The Internation Standard Recording Code for the media. "USTC30767894"
length Decimal Length of the track in seconds. 160
original_release_date DateTimeOffset The date the media was originally released. 2013-10-18T13:14:27.474
popularity_score_month Int32 The Popularity Score for the last month. 0 to 10. 1
popularity_score_ever Int32 The Popularity Score for the entire history. 0 to 10. 1
provider_id Int32 The unique id of the provider that distributed the media. 9
release_date DateTimeOffset The date the media was released. 2013-10-18T13:14:27.474
score Single Score this item received if it was returned as a search result. 2.18507934
status_id Int32 The status id of the media. Commonly available statuses:
7 - Active
18 - AlbumOnly
20 - TrackOnly
street_date DateTimeOffset The date the media became available for sale. 2013-10-18T13:14:27.474
title String The title of the media. Certain words may be filtered. "Brooklyn's Finest"
track_number Int32 The sequence number of the media in the album it belongs to. 2
volume_number Int32 The volume number for the media in the album it belongs to. 1

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